BIOSKOP Short Film Competition 2023 Theme: Crossing Borders
BIOSKOP! Short Film Competition Zimbabwe is an annual event that celebrates the creativity of
Zimbabwean filmmakers.
With the advent of the internet and different ways of connecting with people in different places
across the globe, the world has become a global village. This is also an opportunity for
individuals to discover new things, careers, promote intercultural dialogue and discover new
approaches. How are we using these means to our advantage and connecting with each other? Can
crossing borders also affect our lives negatively, disturb our stability, and result in a shift
on how we do things? Crossing borders may also mean starting a new life and losing one's
identity during the process. We also have borders within ourselves, culturally, racially,
religiously, or any other relatable borders. There are so many aspects that encompass the theme;
therefore, we are curious to find out the filmmakers' interpretation of the theme - Crossing
This competition was open to all genres of film and the winning categories are Best Narrative,
Cinematography, Sound, Diaspora and Documentary
Best Cinematography
Duration: 03:43 mins
Language: English
Director: Kalai Faye Barlow
Synopsis : Official Video for Mann Friday Fight for me.
Countries : Zimbabwe
Best Narrative Short
Duration: 5:29 mins
Language: Shona
Directors: Xolani Mkwananzi & Clinton Zvoushe)
Synopsis : An animated Shona Folklore about fertility
Countries : Zimbabwe
Best Documentary Short
Duration: 5:00 mins
Language: English
Director: Takunda aaron Chimutashu
Countries : Zimbabwe
Best Sound Editing
Duration: 21:21 mins
Language: English
Director: Derrick Manieca
Countries : Zimbabwe
Best Diaspora Film
Duration: 05:00 mins
Language: English
Director: Admire Zimbeva, Bonginkosi Khumalo
Synopsis : A man on a mission discovers a deeper hidden truth
Countries : Zimbabwe